What do women look out for in men? What must you do as a man to be seen as a husband material by a women?
Some men can discover the cure for cancer but still struggle with understanding women.
Well, here are some few things women look out for in men.
1. Psychological security: Once a lady can feel psychologically secured with you she will consider you marriageable. Do you have maximum control over your emotions, weaknesses and insecurities? Once you can’t control your emotions
no lady will stay with you.
2. How well you’re making things happen for yourself. This is important.. Don’t be a lazy and idle man.
3. Leadership: Once a lady sees she can’t trust your leadership she will not stay. Every lady loves a man that can play leadership roles effectively in the relationship. Mummy’s boy is a turn off.
4. Conflict resolution: Either consciously or unconsciously every lady tests a man’s ability to manage conflicts. How do you manage offenses and trespasses?
5. Appearance and carriage: Are you neat, sharp and confident? A lady must have an attraction to your physical looks first…
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